i've just arrived from kl last night.it was not really a pleasure flight actually,becoz the plane keep 'bergoyang' almost da time..but syukur alhamdulillah,we arrived safely at labuan at 8.55,10 minutes early from the schedule..yesterday,i came to knew that the cute gurl,nurin who had lost since 20 august have been found.i am very shocked to see her suffering face in the news.n i can't imagined what she have suffered during the time of period she have been tortured by the beast that killed her in such that horrible n terrible way.may god bless her.amin.al fatihah 4 her.
my babah in the cab on the way to klia;)
last thursday,we had a briefing from jpa,as well as the briefing from the MAS too.it's a very formal event where we have to wear our coat(hehhe..br rasmi!)n of coz,we received such a big amount of money.alhamdulillah.everyone's face was so happy after receiving the elauns.bersinar2 dowh!;p
n yesterday,was the last day of our class.we chatted with madame adi fer a while,then miss yap came in to give some announcements n the list that we have to bring along to france next week.apres,everyone made a short speech n we took pictures together.it's been a nice time to be with madame adi n miss das.they were very kind to us,n have taught us many about the french,n also about the reality that we will face in da future.
oh ya.today i'm going to be having a kenduri slamat.jemput2la dtg ya.ngeh3.n that's it.end of my story.ehehhe.da!^_^
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